Saturday, January 5, 2013

These are my plans and dreams for 2013.

I have big plans for myself. I'm not entirely sure what they are, though.
You know, I guess I mostly just have big expectations. I want to be a certain kind of person.

I'm 20 years old--the beginning of the prime of my life. Now is the time to think about what I really want, and now is the time achieve whatever that is, one goal at a time.

  1. Read 100 books (that I didn't have to read for school).
  2. Run a total of 75 miles. 
  3. Call my family at least twice a month. 
  4. Learn Claire de Lune. 
  5. Write in this blog once a week. 
  6. Revamp my journal writing. 
  7. Have (and document) an adventure. 
  8. Save all my money for something really cool. 
  9. Do one nice thing every day. 
  10. Do an anonymous act of service that may require some sacrifice. 
Reasons why these are my plans and dreams: 
  1. I love to read, and I love being the kind of person who loves to read. I've kind of lost that in recent years. However, as my education continues, I realize how important it is for me to keep reading for fun. I also want to cut back on the TV watching for relax time. It's killing my mind. 
  2. Last year, I was actually really good at working out. My resolution was to go to the gym once a week for six months, and I think I achieved that. This year, I may not work out quite as often as I did (for a while there, I worked out like five times a week for two hours), but I want to make it a habit again. I also want to train to run bigger things in the future, like a half marathon. This isn't really a huge amount for 365 days, but I it'll get me started in the right direction. 
  3. I'm so bad at calling people. It's terrible. I miss my family, though, and I want to be included in their lives when I'm not at home. 
  4. I love this song, and I've always wanted to learn in on the piano. I love playing the piano, but I'm not as good as I would like to be. I've been practicing more recently, though, and it has improved my skills a bit. I'm giving myself a year to complete a big project song like that. I want to prove that I'm not the same teenager who refused to practice when she did take lessons. I can finish something. 
  5. I just need a writing outlet. My journal is more personal stuff, but this is more what I'm thinking about the world. I know it's not likely to happen, but I do enjoy writing in a blog, and I want to try to keep up with it. 
  6. I've been lax on this in the recent months. I love writing in my journal, and it's really been having an effect, actually. When I don't vent things or write things down, I forget them and let them build up. I need that place again. 
  7. I want to try something very new. Whether that adventure is out of the country or just out of the city, I want it to happen. I want to be the kind of person who experiences new things. Now is the time that I can. 
  8. Right now, my money is just sitting in my bank account. I almost forget that I have it, and then I go kind of stir crazy and splurge on one or two items of cheap clothing. I want to have a purpose. I want to have a goal. I want to have a reason to save money. It might be a car, or a trip, or a fancy dress, I don't know. I will provide an update on that. 
  9. My aunt gave me a little planner entitled "The Good Turn Diary" based on a Christmas book. Looking for ways to serve someone brings good things in your own, as well as others. I think it'll help me to not be so stressed all the time. 
  10. I'm religious, as you would know if you read my introductions page. Along the same lines as #9, I think that doing service brings blessings and creates a better me. I've had huge things and little things done for me. But I want to be prayerful and find one person who I could really help this year. I don't know who it is, but I want to be there for them, whether they know it or not. 
So those are my plans and dreams. I don't know which ones will come to fruition, but I will try my hardest to see all of them happen. This year is one step closer to whatever it is I'm supposed to do with my life. I want to make it a positive step.


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