Sunday, January 27, 2013

It's a good day.

Little victories:

  1. I went to the gym. Only once, and only for a half hour, but I went. 
  2. I went to my classes when I was sorely tempted to stay in bed. 
  3. I didn't get mad when I could have. 
  4. I read my scriptures every day this week, even if it was only a couple verses. 
  5. I read a chapter and took a quiz online two days before I had to. 
I haven't had the best week. There has been a lot of stress at school, and sometimes I just don't know if I can handle it. However, I came across this picture:
No matter what, you can always find something wrong with your life. You can always choose to make it a bad day. But every day can be a good one. There are some things that you can't ignore, but right now is the time to make it a good day regardless. That's my philosophy for the semester. 



  1. At one of my old jobs there was a vice president who frequently responded "It's a great day to be employed" when people asked how he was doing. I have tried to adopt that attitude, and although I can't say it has made tough jobs easier it does help keep things in perspective. On a similar note, one of my uncles adds "Making it a great day" to his email signature. A lot of how we perceive our lives has a lot to do with our attitude and our actions. Nurturing a positive attitude and taking charge of what we do and how we do things makes a big difference in our perceptions.

  2. What he said. :) And, I love you. Hang in there!

  3. Kolbie I had something similar to me happen in Institute. Someone just came up to me and said " I decided it's going to be a good day. Have you?" It helps a lot when you can start you day happy. Love you. I hope maybe soon I can see you.
