I realize that I've been notably absent this summer. This probably should've been the summer when I wrote on this blog the most, but it really has been crazy busy.
I have returned a seasoned veteran of the interning world in Washington, D.C. (ha). It's been a summer of fun, work, and rain. Also, humidity. It's also been the best summer of my life. Good friends, great city, and the best love for which a girl could ask. Instead of relaying long stories (that most people probably won't find very interesting), I thought I'd make lists of random things I've learned. I'm going to organize the list by category, starting with my job:
- As an intern, everyone is your boss.
- It's your job to prove to your boss that you are better than the last intern.
- The hours between 11 and 2 are always the hardest. STAY AWAKE.
- You only think you're starving because you're sitting at your desk and staring at your lunch.
- Not having any work to do is actually the worst.
- You are the only one (boss included) who thinks it's worth it to stay up all night finishing citations for the Policy Report.
- If it's a salesman on the phone, just hang up, even if you think it's hurting his feelings.
- When using the copier, make sure that you have the right paper, lest an incidence where you print a copy on poster paper should occur.
- Label makers are only a little bit like toys. Mostly, they are for making professional labels.
- Also, as an intern, when someone needs a computer, yours is the first to go. It's OK.
Now, for life on the East Coast:
- Taking lunch outside runs the risk of being attacked by fearless (rabid) squirrels and/or birds.
- Please. When on the escalator, walk left, and stand right.
- Food will always be expensive. It's best not to look at the prices.
- Don't stare at the men and women in professional clothing and worn-out tennis shoes when walking to work. They become uncomfortable.
- If you didn't pack an umbrella, pray that your office has ponchos.
- People don't talk on the metro. It's weird.
- Don't talk about your relationship in the ward. It's also weird. Then, you become that couple who everyone knows about because you're the only ones who were open about it.
- As a result of your boyfriend recognizing people's discomfort with displays of affection, he might say that he doesn't really want to hold hands on the way to work. Humor him for a while, and he'll eventually start holding your hand again because he just can't be without you. :)
- Unless it's too hot and both of your hands are sweaty. Then it's gross.
- "Beach" does not always equal "clean". In fact, it hardly ever does. When your boyfriend calls the Atlantic Ocean at Virginia Beach "vile" and "putrid," he can actually back that up with facts about ocean pollutants. "Beach" does, however, equal "fun". :)
Humidity gets its own list:
- You will sweat, and you will feel gross. Resisting the urge to shower twice a day is sometimes futile.
- Lipstick will not dry. Warn your boyfriend, especially if you're meeting him in the middle of the day.
- Rain does not equal cool weather. Rain usually equals more humidity. Hence the term "soupy" weather.
- Whatever hair you were born with is the hair you will have, no matter how much hairspray or product you use. (For me, that means having lifeless, straight hair for eternity).
- Walking outside can sometimes replace an iron, which is a nice perk.
- Makeup always just melts off. It's better to wear as little as possible.
- Sometimes, you'll feel like you can't breathe. When that happens, high-tail it to the nearest building, where there will be air conditioning.
- However, because the air conditioning is always on, and you've been sweating outside for a half hour, prepare to be cold when your sweat works against you in the now cool environment.
- Just because you can't feel a spot where you're burning does not mean that you are exempt from a sunburn.
- Opening the window to cool down a building only makes it worse. Sometimes, it can make the Relief Society room smell like fish (don't ask).
Last one. When in D.C.:
- Avoid the National Mall on the Fourth of July. It's overrun with stupid people.
- No, the National Mall is not a big shopping center.
- Remember that security is a big deal, and belt buckles do count as metal.
- Know what your political ideology is, but don't tell anyone unless it's really important.
- You have to be assertive for what you want, even if it's just a spot in line, or else you'll spend your life waiting.
- You'll be able to recognize tourists because they'll be wearing tennis shoes without a suit.
- Tour. Look around. You're in a city full of history, and there's nothing more interesting than learning about where you come from.
- Remember to give yourself enough time to spend in those tourist-y places. The Holocaust Museum will take AT LEAST three hours.
- Always go for the seats you want at a Nationals game, not the seats you have.
- There's always free food somewhere. Sometimes you'll be sad you didn't go to that DubStep concert, if only because they had awesome food.
Last, but certainly not least, this is my advice for anyone having a summer adventure of their own:
If you're anything like me, you'll miss it a lot. But the cool thing is that it'll still be there, waiting for you to return someday.
I remember walking past the Capitol, and the Supreme Court, and the Library of Congress on my to the metro to go home after work and thinking, "is this real life?" Yes, it was. It was real life. Cool things happen to ordinary people all the time. It's all about seizing the opportunities when they come and appreciating them when they're gone.
Now, for some pictures:
The DC Temple! So beautiful. |
National Cathedral |
Josh and his ugly tie. |
The Capitol on a beautiful evening walk home. |
My first Nationals game! |
Josh is adorable around children, and these children are even more adorable. |
In love with his birthday present... |
Senator Mary Landrieu and me at a luncheon for my work! |
My coworker, Ruth, preparing for a torrent of rain. |
This was a special date where we saw Man of Steel, walked around Georgetown, and at at Ray's III. Courtesy of me :) |
Aunt Bo and Porter, waiting at Dad's wedding reception. |
The Astle kids! |
Porter and his favorite Uncle Jonathon |
This is the face that everyone should make when they see a pink and glittery water bottle at the Supreme Court gift shop. |
Fourth of July! We went the National Archives. |
Korean War Memorial |
I told Josh to make a funny face, and this is what I got. Haha. |
We got a special dome tour of the Library of Congress! |
This pictures is pretty self-explanatory. |
Rockport Beach! |
Josh, Jonathon, and me being silly at Rockport Beach |
Cute picture of Nan and Jonathon looking at the ocean |
I'm sure missing my sister right now. |
I decided to give her a hug as a going away present :) |
It took Jonathon about three tries to stop smiling for this picture. But, finally, he's kind of not smiling. Haha. |
I have plenty more pictures, but I don't want to overload any of you with what I think are interesting photos, but are actually just me indulging myself. Haha.
Anyway. I miss D.C. A lot. But, as I said, I know I'll be back. I have a few things waiting for me there. In the mean time, I'll work hard, do well in school, and enjoy myself in Utah for a bit. A piece of my heart will always be there, though. Just be aware that when you travel, you leave a bit of yourself, and a bit of that place sticks with you. It's something I didn't know until I actually tried. I kind of like it.
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